Pipeline safety

Dakota Gasification Company is committed to public safety, protection of the environment and operation of its facility in compliance with all applicable rules and regulations. Dakota Gas employs a qualified staff of professionals that are committed to safely transporting synthetic natural gas and carbon dioxide.

The following are downloadable Dakota Gas emergency procedures for our pipelines in PDF format:

In the event of a pipeline emergency, our personnel are trained and fully prepared to respond. Our response personnel coordinate their efforts with local police and fire departments and other emergency responders.

Carbon dioxide pipeline

Dakota Gas owns and operates a 204.8-mile carbon dioxide (CO2) pipeline that originates just north of Beulah, North Dakota, then travels west to Killdeer, and then north again to the Canadian province of Saskatchewan.

How to recognize a CO2 pipeline leak

Signs of a leak

  • Sound: listen for any unusual noise
  • Sight: look for frozen liquid around the pipe at the leak area, or a vapor cloud similar to that produced by dry ice

What you should do if you suspect a leak

  • Turn off and abandon equipment
  • Leave the area quickly
  • Warn others to stay away
  • Notify the pipeline operator immediately toll free: 1-866-747-3546
  • Notify local authorities

Syngas pipeline

Dakota Gas owns and operates a 35-mile synthetic natural gas (SNG) pipeline that originates just north of Beulah, North Dakota, and then travels southwest to our transfer point with Northern Border Pipeline Company. This transfer point is located approximately six miles northwest of Hebron, North Dakota. A second pipeline is a four-mile, 10-inch carbon steel pipeline that delivers SNG from the Synfuels Plant to Basin Electric's nearby Antelope Valley Station.

How to recognize a SNG pipeline leak

Signs of a leak

  • Sound: listen for any unusual noise, like a hissing or a roaring sound
  • Sight: discolored vegetation may be a sign of a possible leak around the pipeline area

What you should do if you suspect a leak

  • Turn off and abandon equipment
  • Leave the area quickly
  • Warn others to stay away
  • Notify the pipeline operator immediately toll free: 1-866-747-3546

What you should not do

  • Do not use open flames or bring anything (telephones, flashlights, motor vehicles, etc.) into the area that may spark ignition of the leaking product