2025 winter Member Managers Conference held Feb. 19-20

Winter conference
Seventy-seven members attended the conference and 72 member cooperatives were represented. 

Basin Electric staff and member cooperative managers met for the 2025 winter Member Managers Conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on Feb. 19-20. 

Member managers and Basin Electric staff gather two times each year to exchange information, share ideas, and work closely on issues. Seventy-seven members attended the conference and 72 member cooperatives were represented. 

The conference began with opening comments from CEO and General Manager Todd Brickhouse and continued with updates on the Paulsen member engagement project, the cooperative’s financial performance and growth, the load forecast, and resource planning. Presentations also included updates on construction, commodity markets, legislation and regulations, and Dakota Gas

Meeting presentations are available to members online at the Basin Members website (login required) under the Meetings tab and by clicking on “Member Managers Conference” at basinmembers.com.  

To access the Basin Members site, a user account is required. To set up an account, go to basinmembers.com and select the link “Create new account.”