Investing for the Future: Transmission planning

Transmission lines
Belfield-to-Rhame 230-kilovolt transmission line in North Dakota.

Initiating any transmission project, whether it involves building a new substation or constructing a new line, is a process that begins with a distinct need. Transmission studies are initiated by transmission service providers like Southwest Power Pool, Midcontinent Independent System Operator, or the Common Use System. These transmission service providers offer services across the transmission system ensuring the proper utilization of existing lines and voltage parameters.

The need for transmission projects can arise from various factors, including the aging condition of facilities requiring refurbishment or the necessity to expand the transmission network to accommodate growing loads and new generation interconnections. This expansion is crucial for alleviating congestion issues.

substation construction
Steel beams dot the landscape at the site of the new Leland Olds Station 19.5-acre substation.

For Basin Electric, building additional generation and transmission infrastructure is necessary. This is not merely a matter of expansion but a critical step in maintaining a reliable, affordable, and sustainable generation and transmission system that can adapt to evolving energy demands.

Read more in the feature from our 2023 Annual Report: Transmission planning

Watch this video to see a new technology that will help expand transmisison capacity.


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