Inspections complete on CarbonSAFE wells at Basin Electric’s Dry Fork Station

An annual inspection was done on two Wyoming CarbonSAFE wells on Aug. 15. The inspection was done by Tyler Harris, natural resources program principal for the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Also in attendance was Jim Ford, operations manager for the Wyoming Integrated Test Center.

Wyoming CarbonSAFE is a carbon storage research project implemented by the University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources (SER) and partners. The project has found that carbon dioxide can be stored underground near Basin Electric’s Dry Fork Station permanently, securely, and practically (cost-effectively).

“Wells are typically inspected for maintenance issues,” said Fred McLaughlin, director for the SER's Center of Economic Geology Research. “These wells are not currently in operation, so things went smoothly. The DEQ reported that both wells are well maintained and pass all inspection criteria.”

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