RUS announces Basin Electric a finalist for New ERA funding

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service (RUS) recently announced Basin Electric as a Category 1 finalist for funding in their Empowering Rural America (New ERA) Program. The $9.7 billion dollar program helps rural Americans transition to clean, affordable, and reliable energy, and marks the largest investment in rural electrification since 1936. 

If awarded, the funds will be allocated towards developing and implementing renewable energy solutions, as well as to enhance existing cooperative-owned renewable assets, which are expected to total in excess of 1,400 megawatts across Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota. 

Chad Reisenauer, director of Community and Member Support, said the program is a great opportunity to develop and enhance some of the most rural areas throughout the Midwest. “Basin Electric will use the New ERA funds to procure additional renewable energy generation as well as enhancing existing cooperative owned renewable assets through the Midwest. These funds will provide estimated benefits of more than $400 million to our members over the life of the New Era program,” he said. “These projects will create short and long-term jobs, provide annual benefits to Basin Electric Power Cooperative members, and reduce carbon emissions.” 

Part of the application process was to compile a Community Benefit Plan (CBP). Within the CBP, Basin Electric plans to focus on workforce development, agricultural sustainability, and community safety. The development process will emphasize transparent, accessible, and equitable engagement through co-creating the plan with community stakeholders, soliciting input for each of the programs targeted by Basin Electric, and how such programs can be executed both system-wide and in the communities near the project sites. 

These programs of interest demonstrate Basin Electric’s commitment to community engagement, incorporation of benefits beyond the projects themselves, and inclusion of programs that align with USDA Rural Development CBP priorities. 

Todd Brickhouse, CEO and general manager of Basin Electric, noted that, “renewable generation is a key portion of our balanced approach to resource development, and we look forward to adding additional generation to our portfolio in partnership with RUS and our communities through the New ERA program.”