4R principles of nutrient stewardship

As a producer of the fertilizers that help grow our agricultural community, Dakota Gas supports the 4R Nutrient Stewardship principles for fertilizer use.

The 4R philosophy is an innovative and science-based approach that offers enhanced environmental protection, increased production, increased farmer profitability, and improved sustainability. The concept is to use the:

  • right fertilizer source
  • at the right rate
  • at the right time
  • with the right placement

The 4Rs provide a framework to assess whether a given crop has access to the necessary nutrients. Asking "Was the crop given the right source at the right rate, at the right time, and in the right place?" helps identify opportunities to improve fertilizer efficiency and prevent nutrient movement from each field.

For fertilizer use to be sustainable, it must support cropping systems that provide economic, social, and environmental benefits.

You can learn more about the 4R philosophy at nutrientstewardship.com.