Brickhouse provides testimony to United States House of Representatives Subcommittee on Energy
Todd Brickhouse, Basin Electric chief executive officer and general manager, was invited to provide testimony during a hearing held by the U.S....
News briefs are published in the bi-weekly publication, Basin Update, which is sent to members, employees, and industry partners. If you are interested in being added to the mailing list, contact editor Jenifer Gray.
Todd Brickhouse, Basin Electric chief executive officer and general manager, was invited to provide testimony during a hearing held by the U.S....
At its January meeting, Basin Electric’s board of directors approved the member load forecast for 2024-2050.
Basin Electric staff and member cooperative managers met for the 2025 winter Member Managers Conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on Feb. 19-20.
Fertilizer production and CO2 sequestration at Dakota Gas experienced a record year in 2024. It was also the first year in ammonia and urea...
The Lignite Energy Council (LEC) is conducting the 2025 Teacher Seminar, “Energy, Economics and Environment,” at the Bismarck State College in...
Basin Electric’s Transmission Systems Maintenance (TSM) team had a busy 2024, a year marked by several projects and many successes. Topping the...
This January, Basin Electric experienced a new all-time high member billing peak.
Dakota Gasification Company received the Excellence in Innovation Award for its Great Plains CO2 Sequestration Project. The award was presented in...
At their December meetings, the boards of directors approved the 2025 operating and capital budgets for Basin Electric and subsidiaries.
Basin Electric completed land reclamation on the site where two wind turbines previously stood in Chamberlain, South Dakota.
Firefighters from Campbell County Fire Department and Cheyenne Fire Rescue recently completed advanced hazmat training at Basin Electric's Dry Fork...
The Missouri Basin Toastmasters is set to meet from 12-1 p.m. on February 25 in West 4 Wyoming C at Basin Electric headquarters.
Cooperative representatives from across North Dakota attended the North Dakota Member Services Association (NDMSA) meeting on Jan. 15-16 at Basin...
Basin Electric Power Cooperative is set to build a new natural gas-fueled generation facility in Williams County, North Dakota.
Basin Electric participated in two public scoping meetings in October in Crosby, North Dakota and Tioga, North Dakota.
Registration is now open for Basin Electric's 2025 winter Member Managers Conference scheduled for Feb. 19-20.
Basin Electric recently published an updated Sustainability Report representing the cooperative’s commitment to provide safely produced, reliable,...
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has accepted the 2025 Rate Schedule A with an effective date of January 1, 2025.
The 2024-2025 winter reliability assessment report was recently released by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.
The team at Antelope Valley Station, a coal-fueled dispatchable generation facility located near Beulah, North Dakota, completed routine...
Basin Electric has executed an agreement to purchase power from Triple H Wind, a wind project located in Hyde County near Highmore, South Dakota.
Dakota Gasification Company, partnering with Denver, Colorado-based Carbon Vault, conducted seismic surveys for its Broom Creek carbon dioxide...
Construction of a new 19.5-acre substation to replace the 345-kilovolt (kV) substation at Leland Old Station located near Stanton, North Dakota, is...
Basin Electric Power Cooperative (Basin Electric) energized a new transmission line in western North Dakota on Dec. 17.
Following a strategic review by Dakota Gasification Company in Beulah, North Dakota, a subsidiary of Basin Electric Power Cooperative, and OCI N.V....
Employees at Basin Electric take great pride in supporting United Way and other local charities through the annual Commitment to Community Campaign.
The Basin Electric Board of Directors authorized the retirement of approximately $46 million dollars in patronage capital at its November meeting.
The Basin Electric Board of Directors recently approved the installation of two fuel gas heaters at Lonesome Creek Station, one of Basin Electric’s...
Standard and Poor’s (S&P) Global Ratings and Moody’s recently issued updated credit reports for Basin Electric reaffirming its A rating and stable...
As an additional safety measure, a Lockout/Tagout advisory team has been assembled at Antelope Valley Station.
In April, Basin Electric’s benchmarking team visited East Kentucky Power Cooperative in Winchester Kentucky, and Associated Electric Cooperative in...
Anthony Larson has been elected to serve on the Basin Electric Board of Directors beginning Nov. 1, 2024, and will represent District 8, Upper...
Basin Electric was ranked among the nation’s top cooperatives by the National Cooperative Bank in its annual NCB Co-op 100® list, which names the...
Basin Electric’s Horizons Committee, a cross departmental team tasked with researching emerging technologies, is actively monitoring the...
Dakota Gas recently restored a stormwater pond that hadn’t been used for at least two decades. The newly restored pond – Pond D – makes it the...
A major blade repair was completed this year at one of Basin Electric’s wind projects.
The professionals in Security and Response Services experienced a record-breaking week spanning Tuesday, Sept. 24, until Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024
A carbon capture pilot project at the Wyoming Integrated Test Center near Dry Fork Station in Gillette, Wyoming, has been awarded nearly $5 million...
A tabletop exercise was completed at the Menoken Transmission System Maintenance outpost to prepare the team in case an active shooter event should...
North Dakota's Energy Development and Transmission Committee held their meeting at Basin Electric's very own: Dakota Gasification Company.
A lightning strike northeast of Sheridan, Wyoming, ignited the Badger Creek wildfire, which rapidly spread north and across Basin Electric’s Dry...
The Basin Electric board of directors has authorized a Class A rate increase.
Urea and diesel exhaust fluid production in June surmounted previous production records.
Basin Electric set a new summer member billing peak in July of 4,764 megawatts (MW), surpassing the previous summer billing peak that occurred in...
Two new plant managers have been announced for Dry Fork Station and Antelope Valley Station/Leland Olds Station.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Utilities Service (RUS) recently announced Basin Electric as a Category 1 finalist for...
Dale Johnson, senior vice president and plant manager at Dakota Gasification Company, was awarded the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership...
Basin Electric’s 2024 Annual Meeting of the membership was held on August 14 at the Bismarck Event Center in Bismarck, North Dakota. The meeting...
Dakota Gasification Company’s Great Plains Synfuels Plant and Antelope Valley Station are celebrating 40 years of operation.
Before you attend Basin Electric’s 2024 Annual Meeting of the Membership Meeting on Aug. 13-14, here are a few helpful reminders.
The Basin Electric Artificial Intelligence (AI) working group unveiled an AI policy on July 18 that outlines the cooperative’s principles and...
Basin Electric’s Horizons Committee, a cross-departmental team that’s tasked with monitoring and disseminating information on new and emerging...
As summer rolls around, so do the annual training sessions at Basin Electric’s subsidiary Dakota Gasification Company. Two major trainings took...
Construction continues at Pioneer Generation Station Phase IV (PGSIV), Basin Electric’s largest generation project being built in North Dakota...
Registration is now open for the 2024 Basin Electric Annual Meeting of the Membership.
A recent interim study by Southwest Power Pool (SPP) showed positive results in evaluating Pioneer Generation Station Phase IV (PGSIV), meaning...
The 345/230-kilovolt transformer at the Sidney, Nebraska substation, part of the Missouri Basin Power Project, has been deemed unrepairable.
As Basin Electric’s membership continues to grow, natural gas generation is proving it’s a critical piece of the cooperative’s all-of-the-above...
The Basin Electric Resolutions Committee, made up of representatives from each of Basin Electric's districts and a Basin Electric board member, had...
Registration is now open for Basin Electric's 2024 summer Member Managers Conference scheduled for July 24-26.
Alex Epstein will deliver the keynote address August 14 at Basin Electric’s 2024 Annual Meeting of the Membership.
Basin Electric board of directors authorized a safety resolution at the June board meeting held in Gillette, Wyoming.
The White House Summit on Modernizing the Power Grid was held in Washington, D.C., on May 28.
In March, Basin Electric took on the maintenance of the DC tie in Stegall, a first for Basin Electric.
Investments into equipment are proving valuable in the ammonia plant at Dakota Gasification Company.
Todd Brickhouse, Basin Electric CEO and general manager, participated in a panel discussion held in Bismarck, North Dakota, on May 15.
In collaboration with Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) and Ampacimon, Basin Electric is investing in technology that will enhance grid...
The team at Dakota Gas is implementing improvements to their water balance system, a system that balances the current inventory of water and the...
Dakota Gasification Company continues to invest in the safety and reliability of the plant by making improvements to the plant’s carbon dioxide...
Basin Electric has been named one of the top 10 places to work in Bismarck and Mandan, Noth Dakota by the Young Professionals Network (YP Network).
Beyond generating electricity and heat, coal yields various byproducts that can be sold to reduce waste and maximize resource utilization.
The reciprocating engines at Pioneer Generation Station Phase III hit 32,000 run-hours – a major milestone, which triggered the need for planned...
On April 25, EPA announced a suite of rules that require stricter carbon emissions, metals emissions, wastewater, and coal ash regulations.
Several carbon capture and storage research projects hosted at the Wyoming Integrated Test Center at Basin Electric’s Dry Fork Station near...
Construction began on April 4 on the Roundup-to-Kummer Ridge transmission project in western North Dakota.
Construction began on April 4 on the Pioneer Generation Station-to-Judson transmission project. This project includes 15-miles of new 345-kilovolt...
The Wild Springs Solar Project, a 128-megawatt project in Pennington County, South Dakota, began commercial operation on March 28, 2024. Basin...
Basin Electric Environmental and Government Relations teams are constantly monitoring, reviewing, and evaluating existing and proposed...
Laramie River Station began its quadrennial outage on March 16. Preparations for the outage began in January. The outage is an opportunity to...
Both facilities generated more electricity than forecasted in 2023.
When there is sufficient transmission line infrastructure, this system works well. When there is a major weather event that takes down transmission...
It will increase costs for goods, services, and everyday necessities, and lead to further price volatility.
Basin Electric staff and member cooperative managers met for the 2024 winter Member Managers Conference in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, on Feb. 21-22.
The Lignite Energy Council (LEC) is conducting the 2024 teacher seminar, “Energy, Economics and Environment,” at Bismarck State College in...
The North Dakota Public Service Commission approved siting applications for two Basin Electric high-voltage transmission projects at their March 5...
The North Dakota Public Service Commission (NDPSC) held a hearing on Feb. 16 in Killdeer, North Dakota, to consider a 32.5-mile high-voltage...
Basin Electric is committed to providing reliable electricity to its members, and this commitment means looking to the future as the membership...
The forecast shows a bandwidth addressing the what-if scenarios that come with potential new large loads.
The increase is largely due to the winter storms that swept over Basin Electric’s service territory along with continued increased load growth...
Equipment continues to arrive at Pioneer Generation Station Phase IV (PGSIV), Basin Electric’s largest generation project being built in North...
The North Dakota Public Service Commission (NDPSC) held a hearing on Feb. 1, 2024, in Williston, North Dakota, to consider a 15-mile high-voltage...
ENGIE North America’s North Bend Wind project began commercial operation on December 22, 2023. Basin Electric has a 25-year Power Purchase...
The 2023-2024 winter reliability assessment report was recently released by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC).
The spare engines will arrive in September 2024 and January 2025.
Antelope Valley Station, a coal-fueled dispatchable generation facility located near Beulah, North Dakota, is making some equipment upgrades as...
NTEC supports renewable energy expansion and reliability in the Upper Midwest.
Basin Electric is issuing a Request for Proposal (RFP) to find options for fulfilling power supply obligations within the Midcontinent ISO,...
Dan Gallagher, Basin Electric director of Commodity Sales and Trading, is leading the carbon opportunity and risk evaluation (CORE) team in an...
Registration is now open for Basin Electric's 2024 winter Member Managers Conference scheduled for Feb. 21-22.
The facility generated its 1 millionth megawatt-hour (MWh) of net generation in one year for the first time since the facility went online in 2012.
The team will spend about one year evaluating the addition of a facility to Basin Electric’s fleet.
Carbon capture research and development, and the energy industry in Wyoming, was featured on 60 Minutes on Dec. 10.
At their December meetings, the boards of directors approved the 2024 operating and capital budgets for Basin Electric and subsidiaries.
Basin Electric Power Cooperative announced today Chris Johnson will join the cooperative as its senior vice president and chief financial officer...
The team at Deer Creek Station in Brookings, South Dakota recently reached a milestone when they went 4,000 days without a safety incident, or DART...
Basin Electric Transmission Systems Maintenance (TSM) employees met for their Fall Meeting Nov. 8 at the TSM shop located in Menoken, North Dakota.
Find all directors on Basin Electric’s website.
This action brings the amount returned to members since the year 2000 to over $840 million via patronage capital retirements.
Sixty Basin Electric employees took part in GridEx VII, a continent-wide security exercise held on Nov. 14-15.
For Cooperative Month this October, Basin Electric employees let their cooperative spirit shine for the annual cooperative-wide employee...
Two of South Dakota’s first commercial wind turbines were dropped to the ground Oct. 31. The turbines, each 300-feet-tall and providing...
Dakota Gas’ Great Plains Synfuels Plant recently completed a “brown plant” turnaround and is in the process of going through the multi-step process...
Integrated Test Center is a carbon capture and utilization test center that provides space for technology developers to evaluate their technologies...
Basin Electric was ranked #1 in the energy industry and #21 overall.
This program will distribute $9.7 billion to rural electric cooperatives in the form of grants or low interest financing to enable clean energy...
The rate schedule was sent to FERC on Sept. 29, and Basin Electric has requested the commission act by the end of November.
Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon, chair of the Western Governors' Association (WGA), hosted a workshop at Gillette College and the Wyoming Integrated Test...
Previously this summer, Basin Electric had set a new summer billing peak in July, at 4,586 MW.
Membrane Technology and Research (MTR), a tenant at the Integrated Test Center located at Basin Electric’s Dry Fork Station, has begun preparations...
A summer storm caused damage to Dakota Gasification Company’s Great Plains Synfuels Plant and Antelope Valley Station on Aug. 1.
Basin Electric is one of seven western utilities to sign an agreement with the Southwest Power Pool exploring membership in a West-side regional...
This forecast includes total capital expenditures of $5.1 billion to build new generation and transmission to serve member growth.
The event was held at the site of the future Wild Springs Solar, a 128-megawatt solar project of which Basin Electric will purchase 114 MW of its...
An annual inspection was done on two Wyoming CarbonSAFE wells: University of Wyoming Powder River Basin (UW PRB) #1 and UW PRB #2.
The following is a news release published by the University of Wyoming. It discusses a newly executed agreement that will affect Basin Electric by...
Basin Electric held an all-employee meeting on Aug. 29 and the Executive Leadership Team announced the cooperative’s new mission statement and...
Basin Electric’s government relations team continuously tracks state legislative bills within the membership’s service areas. The following is a...
More than $3.8 billion is expected to be spent on all Basin Electric facilities over the next 10 years.
The system controls all the components of the baghouse, allowing operators to perform necessary tasks from the control room.
Chris Baumgartner, Basin Electric senior vice president of Member & External Relations, said the visit was an opportunity to show all that goes...
Here are a few helpful reminders before you attend Basin Electric’s 2023 Annual Membership Meeting.
Nemadji Trail Energy Center will be a 600-megawatt natural gas-based combined cycle generation facility in Superior, Wisconsin.
On July 28, a three-judge panel of the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a federal judge’s decision in a lawsuit filed by Dakota Energy...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is accepting comments through Aug. 8 regarding these regulations.
Pioneer Generation Station Phase IV is a 600-megawatt addition to the dispatchable generation facility located near Williston, North Dakota.
Basin Electric staff and member cooperative managers met for the 2023 summer Member Managers Conference in Deadwood, South Dakota, on July 19-21.
Basin Electric project team members met with landowners and other interested parties in Crosby and Tioga, North Dakota, to share information about...
Ehrman presented about Pioneer Generation Station Phase IV, Basin Electric's newest generation project near the existing Pioneer Generation Station...
The committee voted to recommend an amendment that would further define the parameters of Basin Electric’s rate stabilization fund.
Wald has more than 20 years of experience in accounting and finance and has been with Basin Electric since 2016. Most recently she served as the...
The following is an excerpt of an article published by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) detailing proposed federal...
A scheduled “brown plant” turnaround, in which a majority of the Synfuels Plant will be out of service except for only a few utilities, will be...
On May 11, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a new proposed rule to regulate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from power plants,...
The Kosher Certification opens up additional sales opportunities that will increase Dakota Gas' revenue.
Twenty-three Basin Electric employees from several of Basin Electric’s facilities participated in the fifth annual BE Leaders program.
Lomborg is a best-selling author of several publications including "False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and...
The committee is made up of directors from each of Basin Electric's districts and a Basin Electric board member.
The Basin Electric board of directors authorized a resolution to accept the applications during their June board meeting.
Jan. 23 marked the 30-year anniversary of operations at the Wyoming Lime Producers, a division of Dakota Coal Company. Since its inception in 1993,...
The meeting is scheduled for Aug. 16 at the Bismarck Event Center in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Following is an update of the high-voltage transmission projects underway.
The Basin Electric subsidiary reached the final new all-time truck shipment record in a single day in five years of urea production at Dakota Gas.
Select students in the region are receiving financial support for their 2023-2024 college fund, thanks to Basin Electric Power Cooperative’s...
Basin Electric is seeking proposals for capacity and energy for the amounts and points of delivery as defined in the RFP.
Barbara Sugg gave directors an update on SPP and its activities.
The project includes approximately 110 miles of new 230-kV electric transmission lines from existing Basin Electric substations to the Canadian...
Basin Electric has been named one of the top 10 places to work in Bismarck and Mandan, North Dakota, by the Young Professionals Network.
Cliff Gjellstad, Basin Electric board president from 2009 – 2011, died on May 8.
While staff is still analyzing the recent EPA proposals and is evaluating what this means for the cooperative and our membership, we can already...
Membrane Technology & Research and Kawasaki Heavy Industries move to the large-scale testing phase for carbon capture technology at the Wyoming...
The report focuses on how Basin Electric provides reliable and affordable electricity to power its growing membership.
The Security and Response Services (SRS) team recently launched a new quarterly newsletter that will be posted to its Facebook page, Security and...
The 2022 Basin Electric annual report has been sent to the printer and will be available online soon.
Basin Electric employees raised $138,725 last year through the cooperative's Commitment to Community Campaign.
PGSIV will generate about 600 megawatts of electricity near the existing Pioneer Generation Station northwest of Williston, North Dakota.
Dakota Gasification Company’s (Dakota Gas) facility, the Great Plains Synfuels Plant, recently received its Responsible Care Management System...
A fire at Dry Fork Station near Gillette, Wyoming, on Feb. 26 resulted in no injuries, isolated damage, and one day of decreased production.
Tim McCarthy, CEO of Sioux Valley Energy, a Basin Electric Class C member, has been elected to serve as the next president of the Touchstone Energy...
This seminar will provide teachers with the information and educational materials they need to teach their students about how lignite is mined and...
A Certificate of Site Compatibility from the North Dakota Public Service Commission, necessary for the start of construction, was received in...
The Wild Springs Solar Project, a 128-megawatt project in Pennington County, South Dakota, began construction Jan. 10, 2023. Basin Electric will...
Basin Electric’s contract with Aurora Wind in northwestern North Dakota went live on Jan. 1.
The fast-starting and stopping ability of this technology allows full output to be reached in just minutes, which ensures a stable and reliable...
Training opportunities are being offered for members in 2023. More details and registration information will be sent to registrants before the events.
In 2022, Basin Electric employees raised $17,530 for the Great Plains Food Bank through the Casual for a Cause campaign.
In support of Basin Electric’s strategic plan to improve overall safety, Headquarters hosted a three-day training session for employees across the...
Basin Electric’s service area saw colder than average temperatures in December resulting in more electricity use, but there were other drivers as...
Raad Alkadiri, managing director of Energy, Climate, and Resources for Eurasia Group, presented to Basin Electric’s board of directors during their...
The 27-mile transmission line begins at the existing Neset Substation east of Tioga, North Dakota, and ends at the new Northshore substation south...
This year’s meeting will be held Aug. 15-17 at the Bismarck Event Center in Bismarck, North Dakota.
Officers are nominated and elected for one-year terms by the directors.
The cooperative plans to construct natural gas generation near the existing Pioneer Generation Station, northwest of Williston.
The load forecast is the main tool used for power supply planning, financial forecasting, rate planning, and transmission planning.
Registration information was sent to member managers on Jan. 5. Member managers interested in attending are asked to register online by Feb 16.
The meeting will be held Jan. 26 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Central Time, as a virtual event.
The consolidated after-tax income for Basin Electric and its subsidiaries is estimated to be nearly $200 million.
The Great Plains Synfuels Plant near Beulah, North Dakota, produced the highest annual ammonia production on record in 2022. The last record...