
More than $1.3 billion has been invested in the Synfuels Plant since 1988 to achieve environmental compliance, improve efficiency, and diversify the product slate. Most recently, about $700 million was invested in a major expansion to produce urea, liquid carbon dioxide, and diesel exhaust fluid.

Chemicals and fuels

Dakota Gas sells fuels and chemical products worldwide for many different applications. Among these applications are wire enamel, resins, construction, fracking, motor fuel and power generation products.


Dakota Gas’ production of multiple fertilizers contributes to growing bountiful crops worldwide, that in turn feed the ever growing population. Nitrogen fertilizers are an extremely essential part of agriculture, especially for increase yields.

NOx emissions controls

All of these products differ from one another for different forms of NOx abatement and different technologies that they may go through. These products reduce harmful emissions and make our world a cleaner, more efficient place.

Pipeline and Liquefied Gases

Dakota Gas produces four types of gaseous products at the Synfuels Plant. Synthetic natural gas and carbon dioxide are derived from the coal gasification process. Liquid nitrogen, krypton and xenon gases are captured in the air separation process used at the facility.


Dakota Gas' products are transported via truck, rail, and pipeline to service its customers. Although not all modes of transportation are available for each product line, Dakota Gas continues to add transportation options to accommodate its customer's individual accommodations, timeline, and preferences.